All Sales Are Final. All returns will be processed and addressed by emailing

Returns are accepted within 30 Days from the day the order was placed

Items must be new and unworn/Unwashed.

Indicate items you would like to return

Check your return form for accuracy

Securely repackage your merchandise. Cover or remove any original mailing address label or shipper barcodes from package.

Return address will be provided once return has been processed.

Ship your package with your choice of shipper. To insure we receive your return/ exchange, please request a tracking number and insurance from your shipper. We are not responsible for lost returns/exchanges with outside shippers.

All returns are subject to a restocking fee of ($10.00)


Please note that we are only able to exchange items for a different color/size of the same item. Please place a new order for new item, and return the original item for a refund.


RETURN Policy only covers Print On Demand items and garments, not 1 0f 1 Art, Paintings, or Sculptures.